Work History
Singapore Polytechnic Silat Club
Technical Skills

Nadzimushsyahar Bin Mohd Halel

Software Engineer Student


A Software Engineer Student who developed applications in Java, JavaScript, Python and Kotlin. Always eager to learn, thrive on solving problems and delivering quality solutions. Polished web development skills and become well at troubleshooting through hands-on projects. Dedicated to expand knowledge and excited to take on new challenges in the software engineering field.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Food Deliverer

FoodPanda Singapore
08.2020 - Current
  • Ensuring timely delivery maintaining good customer service. Completed 75 delivery orders per week to gain incentives. Consistently attained 100% Acceptance Rate and 100% Actual vs Planned hours.

Machine Operator

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Singapore
04.2022 - 07.2022
  • Operated machines to test and deploy computers for database storage in data centres.

Police National Serviceman

Singapore Police Force
10.2018 - 08.2020
  • Obtained 1st place in FY18 & FY19 SPF's Best Police NS Operational Readiness Unit Competition;
  • Commander's Award (Operational Excellence Award Q2 2019)
  • Commander's Award (Operational Excellence Award Q2 2020)
  • Executed knowledge and proficiency in MS Excel; Utilised formulae, visualisation diagraming tools, etc
  • Organised and improved documents for ease of use and viewing for other departments.
  • Managed and deployed for Major OPS (General Election 2020, Covid-19 Dormitory Lockdown, IISS Shangri-La
  • Dialogue, etc.), and was attached to Community Policing Unit to render assistance due to shortage of manpower.
  • Produced KPI of 99.5% for participation and 99.3% for passing percentage in PNSMen Annual Shoot, resulting in obtaining 1st place among divisions across SPF.

Assistant Engineer

Intern, Maintech Engineering & Supplies Pte. Ltd.
03.2017 - 04.2017
  • Attained Distinction grade in Internship. Assisted in onsite maintenance. Serviced and repaired massive motors and generators. Assisted different departments from QC Testing, Assembly/Overhaul, and Rewinding. Assisted during off site servicing and maintenance.


Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering - Software Engineering

Singapore Institute of Technology
09.2020 - Current

Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Singapore Polytechnic (SP)
04.2014 - 04.2018

Singapore Polytechnic Silat Club

01/05/14 - 01/08/18

Leadership Secretary, Singapore Polytechnic Silat Club (SPSC),

Gold Medal for Class A Category in Inter CC Pencak Silat Championship 2018 

Silver Medal for Class A Category in National Pencak Silat Championship 2018 

Silver Medal for Artistic-Double Category in Tertiary Silat Championship (TSC) 2016 

Collaborated with Malay Language Society (MLS) for a theatre production. Performance resources were provided to satisfy requirements of both parties through discussions and negotiations. Satisfied both parties, SPSC gained recognition and exposure while being able to focus on competitions.


Bullet Game

Applied the four principles of Object Oriented Principles of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism with Jframe to produce a functional game. 

Fitness Application

Utilised MERN stack to develop a fitness application. Designing database schema of DBMS and implementing and executing API calls. 

Robotic Car with Game & Highscore

Learned and applied software engineering and development principles, and use Case, Sequence Diagram, Component/Class Diagram, Scrum Framework, Documentations. 


Developed an education-themed Sport Science application with Android Studio in Kotlin. Applied SCRUM framework. Individual component includes ViewModel, CameraX to customise camera to fit the software requirement and software integration which involves manual software regression with other module components.

Other advanced modules focus on different Software Engineering and Architecturing skill sets of different stages of software development life cycles. Examples are as follows: 

Software Modelling & Analysis: Focuses on requirements Engineering (Elicitations, Evaluations with SRS Documentations) 

Software Design: Focuses on Designing from a given project brief and through client interviews, and it also implements Agile framework with 3 sprints.

Technical Skills

Tools: Python Libraries, Embedded Systems Development (C), MERN (With C#, Razor), Mobile App Development (Java), VMware Virtualisation, Basic Web & Cloud Setup (AWS, Google Cloud Services), DBMS, CLI/Terminal, API Applications, Github

Skills attained: Data Structures & Algorithm, Object Oriented Programming, Software Architecture, Software Design, Agile SDLC, Scrum Framework, Computer Networking, Operating Systems


Machine Operator

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Singapore
04.2022 - 07.2022

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering - Software Engineering

Singapore Institute of Technology
09.2020 - Current

Food Deliverer

FoodPanda Singapore
08.2020 - Current

Police National Serviceman

Singapore Police Force
10.2018 - 08.2020

Assistant Engineer

Intern, Maintech Engineering & Supplies Pte. Ltd.
03.2017 - 04.2017

Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Singapore Polytechnic (SP)
04.2014 - 04.2018
Nadzimushsyahar Bin Mohd HalelSoftware Engineer Student