Every child has unique potentials that are waiting to be unlocked. As an early childhood educator, I believe it is my duty to help develop those potentials in early stages of their lives. By promoting a holistic approach to children's learning and embracing the diversity inside and outside the classroom setup, I create a safe, meaningful and inclusive learning environment.
I have been certified as an L2 English Language Teacher where I follow a learner-centered teaching approach. I design curriculum plans that promote children's learning through exploration, inquiry and active participation. For the span of more than 3 years, I have handled different classes from Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 2 levels where I instill the value of honesty, care, responsibility and respect. I also partner with parents and community to build stronger relationship that will open more opportunities for children's development.
I handled Kindergarten 2 children where I taught subjects such as English, Science, Math and Mother Tongue. With the implementation of the school's curriculum, I was able to observe children's abilities and needs, from which I established differentiated learning. As part of my job, I also collaborated with the my students' parents to create a more meaningful learning experiences for them.
Lesson Planning