After completing my bachelor's degree, I postponed going abroad due to the pandemic and gained two years of experience in non-standard mechanical design and extensive product development. I have some experience with discrete element simulation and data-driven design optimization.
During my master's program, I accumulated knowledge in deep learning techniques, human motion capture, posture estimation methods, and EMG and IMU sensor signal processing. Applying my previous work experience, I designed a flexible human exoskeleton and acquired detailed theoretical knowledge and practical experience with various 3D printing processes.
Nanyang Technological University
1: Contribution: Filtering IMU data based on the WFLC (Weighted Fourier Linear Combination) algorithm to isolate Parkinson's tremor frequency. And help setting up the pneumatic control of the exoskeleton.
(Jamming enabled variable stiffness wrist exoskeleton for tremor suppression. IEEE Robotics and
Automation Letters, accepted.)
2: Contribution: Designing the experiments, help to build the imu data collecting platform, run the OpenSim
(Musculoskeletal Model Construction of Deep Squat Using Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Units. IEEE
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, accepted.)
3: Contribution: Proposing the idea, proposing the IMU detection method, and designing the whole system(the
exoskeleton and control method).
(An Adaptive Stiffness Flexible Robot for Back Protection During Heavy Lifting ICRA 2024 conference.)