JMP Pro (Data Visualization and Statistical Analysis)
Currently in the R&D sector of solar cells fabrication and characterization (ECV, SE, QSS-PC, SR, PL, IV, TLM etc.): double side TOPCon (DS-TOPCon), includes optimization of wet chemistry process steps and diffusion recipes thru detailed DOEs (Design of Experiments). Chemical and Environmental engineering background with over six years of experience in QC and R&D laboratory operations: precious metals recovery from E-waste and hazardous industrial waste treatment. Employed for four years in a solar cell industry under the Process Engineering: Wet Etch and Plating and manufacturing. Possesses a sound understanding of Statistical Process Control (Data Analysis) tools and their essence in quality and process controls. A motivated professional keen on continuous growth and development who can work independently but can easily adapt as a team player.
Years of Photovoltaics R&D and fabrication experience
Silicon-based solar cells fabrication and characterization (ECV, SE, QSS-PC, SR, PL, IV, TLM etc.).
1.1 Process control of layer deposition steps;
-includes lifetime test samples that capture step-wise induced factors that influence device performance:
1.2 Optimization of Diffusion recipes thru detailed DOEs (Design of Experiments);
1.3 Fine-tuning wet chemistry steps for controlled patterning and improved layer uniformities;
2.1 Doped poly-Si characterization: sheet resistance (4PP), doping profiles (ECV), layer thickness and optical properties (spectral ellipsometry, SE);
2.2 Checking cell precursor lifetime and quality prior metallization: QSS-PC and Photoluminescence imaging (calibrated lifetime mapping)
2.3 Checking final cell performance via IV measurements;
2.4 Post cell analysis which includes: Spectral response (SR) measurements to check cell quantum efficiency (EQE) and current loss breakdown; metal finger contact (TLM).
Metals Laboratory: Silicon Wafer Fab
Plating Laboratory: Copper and Tin Plating Lines
Laboratory Analysis
JMP Pro (Data Visualization and Statistical Analysis)
Origin Pro (Data Visualization and Statistical Analysis)
Microsoft Office (Excel, Power Point, Word)
SEA (Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Analyzer)
QEHS Internal Auditors Course - ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OSHAS 18001:2015, The Singapore Contractors Association Ltd, Singapore
QEHS Internal Auditors Course - ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OSHAS 18001:2015, The Singapore Contractors Association Ltd, Singapore