Work History
Alvin Kia Hong Sim

Alvin Kia Hong Sim


T-shaped professional with broad expertise in public sector legal advisory, international intellectual property policy, international negotiations, and international relations. I have developed a strategic mindset—asking not only "What" and "How," but also "Why"—to drive meaningful policy and governance improvements.

I remain committed to serving Singapore through the Public Service, with a strong interest in roles at the intersection of law and other disciplines, particularly those addressing socio- economic policy, governance, and ethics. Additionally, I am passionate about mentoring and developing younger professionals, fostering collaboration, and building high-performing teams.

Over two decades of experience—including seven years in private practice—I have served in two statutory boards and two government ministries: the Ministry of Law (MinLaw) and the Ministry of Trade & Industry (MTI).

Commercial experience built up from legal practice, enhanced at MTI’s Pro-Enterprise Division (PED) where I advocated for businesses, particularly SMEs, by championing regulatory reforms that balanced business efficiency with policy objectives. Gained exposure on competition and consumer protection matters by working with the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG).

In my current role at SIMI, I have reviewed and refined credentialing systems, developed outreach content, and gained valuable experience in general management, particularly in finance and HR. This stint has helped me to realise the importance of defining a value proposition and communicating ot effectively.

My diverse experience has strengthened my cross-agency networks, sharpened my communication skills, deepened my commercial acumen, and enhanced my ability to manage costs and financial matters.


years of professional experience

Work History

Executive Director

Singapore Intl Mediation Institute/Ministry of Law
07.2021 - Current

SIMI's goal is to collaborate with various stakeholders to raise and promote professional mediation standards in the ADR industry, in Singapore and beyond. It champions quality in the industry through the accreditation of mediation training and service providers, and mediators themselves.

I am responsible for its day to day direction and operations, from reviewing and reforming structures and processes to drive professional standards and building industry relations, to developing the finance, HR and communication functions.

Article : “Mediation of maritime disputes : Preserving Business Relationships and Continuity for Shipping Businesses” (co-authored with Martin Marini) – Published in Horizon (MPA Academy Newsletter) Nov 2023, at pgs 6-11.

Deputy Director, Pro-Enterprise Division

Ministry of Trade and Industry/Ministry of Law
09.2018 - 06.2021

Secretariat/Team lead, Pro-Enterprise Panel Secretariat : Supervising 6-7 person team managing varied feedback from businesses on government regulations, and helping assess numerous requests to support innovative business ideas via the First Mover Framework. Providing direction to staff on managing both business and agency stakeholders, framing issues so that a solution can be reached to help businesses reduce regulatory compliance costs. Working with comms team to communicate the outcome of these cases to industry.

Deskhead, Competition & Consumer Protection matters : Overseeing and contributing to positions on various initiatives concerning fair trading (e.g. consumer credit risks) and product safety, raised by the Comptition and Consumer Protection Commission of Singapore (CCCS), Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE).

Deputy Director-Copyright,Enforcment,Intl Affairs

Ministry of Law
01.2013 - 08.2018

Policy staff interfacing/consulting with public sector, industry and international stakeholders to develop/manage various aspects of intellectual property policy.

Responsibilities include contributing to policy development of various areas of Singapore's IP infrastructure (including legislation reform and changes to procedures, administrative systems, etc) and advancing Singapore's IP regime.

Team manager for policy matters in copyright, IP enforcement and international affairs.

Senior Legal Counsel

National University of Singapore
03.2012 - 12.2012

In-house legal counsel in Office of Legal Affairs, assisting Deputy General Counsel to provide legal advice on a range of corporate transactions; these often cover intellectual property issues.

Director/Legal Counsel+ Various

Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
09.2006 - 02.2012

Head of department of the Legal Policy & International Relations department.

Responsibilities included managing team boundaries, interfacing with principals/other agencies and resolving people issues to ensure department’s technical work over 5 areas is executed smoothly :

· General legal affairs for IPOS – post was de-facto General Counsel for IPOS

· International IP negotiations for trade agreements

· International legal policy for non-registerable intellectual property issues

· Copyright law

· International relations/engagement

Articles :

· “Anti-diversion measures under the TRIPS Protocol on Public Health” – published in [2008] 20 SAcLJ

· “Survey on Plant Variety Protection Regimes in APEC economies – completed and published on APEC IP Experts Group website in April 2008

· “Trading Ideas 2009” – published in IP Manager magazine No. 03/2009 (in German) – co-authored with Danielle Yeow

· “Competition and Intellectual Property Law in the Innovation Age : A Fine Balancing Act” – published in Singapore Law Gazette, July 2011 – co-authored with Danielle Yeow, Alvin Koh & Candice Lee

Senior Legal Counsel + 1 Other

National Environment Agency
06.2003 - 09.2006

In-house legal counsel managing legal risks for NEA in a wide variety of corporate legal issues and transactions, and various legislation matters.

Senior Legal Assistant

Allen & Gledhill
07.2000 - 06.2003

Corporate real estate practice, covering general conveyancing (commercial and residential properties), financing related property transactions, property due diligence for bank mergers and REITS, commercial leasing and housing developers’ projects.

Legal Assistant

Lim & Associates
01.1997 - 06.2000

General practice, covering both general litigation and general corporate/commercial matters; probate & administration of estates and family law. Appeared in the High Court and all Subordinate Courts. Gazetted as prosecutor acting on behalf of various town councils.


Certificate - General Course On Intellectual Property

World Intellectual Property Organisation


National University of Singapore

PSLE, O Levels, A Levels -

Anglo-Chinese School


    Core skills :

  • Critical Thinking & Analysis
  • Legal solutions
  • Written/Verbal Communication
  • Systems thinking
  • Stakeholder engagement/collaboration

    Others :

  • Sense making
  • Legislative interpretation
  • Business Process Management
  • Team Building


Bilingual or Proficient (C2)
Chinese (Mandarin)
Intermediate (B1)


Executive Director

Singapore Intl Mediation Institute/Ministry of Law
07.2021 - Current

Deputy Director, Pro-Enterprise Division

Ministry of Trade and Industry/Ministry of Law
09.2018 - 06.2021

Deputy Director-Copyright,Enforcment,Intl Affairs

Ministry of Law
01.2013 - 08.2018

Senior Legal Counsel

National University of Singapore
03.2012 - 12.2012

Director/Legal Counsel+ Various

Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
09.2006 - 02.2012

Senior Legal Counsel + 1 Other

National Environment Agency
06.2003 - 09.2006

Senior Legal Assistant

Allen & Gledhill
07.2000 - 06.2003

Legal Assistant

Lim & Associates
01.1997 - 06.2000

Certificate - General Course On Intellectual Property

World Intellectual Property Organisation


National University of Singapore

PSLE, O Levels, A Levels -

Anglo-Chinese School
Alvin Kia Hong Sim